

Program Milestones


We have delivered increased knowledge and interest in Pediatrics acute care with the Ministry of Health


Emphasis in the rural community has revitalized the interest of local community health workers especially in areas of improving neonatal survival in the first "Golden Minute" of life.


A cadre of young health workers including pediatricians has been inspired and reenergized to focus more in the health of the underserved rural community.


We delivered much needed medical equipment and supplies to a rural clinic currently managed by MVP with the cooperation of the Ministry of Health.


President George Bush invited us to the White House to honor our volunteer work as I blogged


We have made multiple trips in the past few years to Nigeria in association with Physicians for Peace and MVP plans to expand its reach to the Caribbean countries of Jamaica and Trinidad, and indeed to the local Tidewater area.

Together, we can make a difference!

Join Medical Visions Peace (MVP) in their mission to empower underserved communities. Donate, volunteer, or spread the word about MVP's impactful initiatives. Let's stand together and be the change our world needs.